Bujinkan seminar FEELING OF JAPAN
V Bujinkan Tengan Dōjō Slovenija vas vabimo na seminar
Bujinkan Tengan Dōjō Slovenia invite you to a seminar
Dai-shihan Andrej Jasenc že preko 20 let odhaja na svoja urjenja na japonsko. Oktobra 2023 je tako znova odpotoval v deželo vzhajajočega sonca, kjer je predvsem vadil pod budnim očesom svojega mojstra Ishizuka Sensei-ja in njegovih starejših inštruktorjev Aida in Ogawa Sensei-jev. Kot vedno pa se je udeleževal tudi vadb Nagase in Someya Sensei-jev.
Od takrat je minilo že nekaj časa tako, da se je znanje tam lahko utrdilo in zato bo, skupaj z učenci, ki so se mu pridružili, na seminarju delil vse vtise, tehnike in izkušnje pridobljene na tem potovanju. Zato iskreno upamo, da se bo dogodka udeležilo čim več udeležencev.
V sklopu seminarja bodo potekala tudi testiranja za nove stopnje.
Dai-shihan Andrej Jasenc has been going to his practice in Japan for over 20 years. In October 2023, he again traveled to the Land of the Rising sun, where he mainly practiced under the watchful eye of his master Ishizuka Sensei and his senior instructors Aida and Ogawa Sensei. As always, he also attended Nagase and Someya Sensei's classes.
Some time passed since then so knowledge could be consolidated, and therefore, together with the students who joined him, he will share all the impressions, techniques and experiences gained during this trip. Therefore, we sincerely hope that as many participants as possible will attend the event.
Testing for new ranks will also take place as part of the seminar.
Datum / date:
01.-02.06.2024 / 1st/2ndth of June 2024
Zadnji rok prijave: 24.05.2024/Last day for registration: 24th of May
Cena / Price:
Dva dni / two days: 50 € (60€ po 24.5./after 24 of May)
En dan / one day: 30 € (40€ po 24.5./after 24 of May)
Piknik / BBQ: 10 €
Urnik / Schedule:
Sobota / Saturday:
- 13.00 – 14.00 registracije / registrations
- 14.00 – 19.00 vadba s kratkimi odmori / practice with short breaks
- 20.00 ... piknik / BBQ
Nedelja / Sunday
- 9.00 – 13.00 vadba s kratkimi odmori / practice with short breaks
Lokacija / Location:
Bujinkan Tengan Dōjō, Novomeška cesta 3, Kočevje - Slovenija
Nočitev / Accomodation:
Brezplačno lahko prenočite v Dōjō-ju, a ga boste morali počistiti za sabo. Če potrebujete prenočišče se obrnite na nas in pomagali vam bomo.
You can sleep in Dōjō for free, but you’ll have to clean it after use.
If you need hostel reservation don’t hesitate to contact us.
Potrebščine / Necessities:
Keiko Gi, Tabi, Bokken Daitō, Hanbō, Rokushaku Bō
Če bo vreme dopuščalo bomo vadili zunaj, sicer znotraj Dōjō-ja kjer je dovoljena le uporaba Indoor Tabi-jev.
If weather will allow us we"ll practice outside, otherwise in the Dōjō where only Indoor Tabi are allowed.
Ostale informacije in prijava / More info and registration:
Bujinkan Slovenija
Gorenje 33
1332 Stara Cerkev
tel: +386 (0) 41 711 840
e-mail: andrej.budoarts@siol.net
FB event: https://fb.me/e/4kB3g94il